LLMs are still evolving

Not everything is perfect

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Three child robots learning in a classroom. Yes, the one in the middle has three arms and has bionic legs.

Large Language Models (LLMs) like Gemini, ChatGPT, and Meta AI’s offerings have taken the tech world by storm. Their ability to generate human-quality text, translate languages, and answer complex questions is truly impressive. But it’s important to remember: LLMs are still under development. They’re not infallible, and sometimes, their outputs can be misleading, even wrong.

A recent example highlights this ongoing learning process. If you ask any of these LLMs how to delete AWS Training Jobs via the Command Line Interface (CLI), they’ll likely provide you with seemingly helpful instructions. The problem? According to the official AWS documentation, deleting training jobs through the CLI is simply not possible.

This instance showcases a key limitation of current LLMs. They excel at processing massive amounts of text data and identifying patterns. However, their understanding of context and the real world can be flawed. In this case, the LLM might have identified information about deleting other AWS resources via CLI and incorrectly extrapolated it to training jobs.

Here’s a breakdown of why LLMs can stumble:

So, how can we leverage the power of LLMs while mitigating these limitations?

The future of LLMs is incredibly bright. As they continue to evolve and learn, their ability to understand context and the real world will improve. But for now, it’s crucial to remember that they are powerful tools, not flawless oracles. By using them critically and responsibly, we can unlock their potential while avoiding the pitfalls of misinformation.

The Promise of LLMs and AI Tools

LLMs have showcased incredible proficiency in understanding and generating human-like text across a wide range of tasks, from language translation and content generation to code completion and conversational interactions. This capability has led to the development of AI-powered tools like Gemini, ChatGPT, and MetaAI, designed to assist users with various tasks by leveraging the power of language models.

While LLMs hold great promise, they are not without their limitations and challenges. One prominent issue is the gap between the model’s understanding and real-world nuances, particularly when dealing with complex and context-sensitive tasks that might not fully depend or follows common sense.

The Case of AWS Training Job Deletion

One illustrative example of this challenge is the attempt by AI tools to assist users in deleting AWS training jobs via the CLI. Despite efforts by these tools to provide recommendations or instructions on this task, it remains a notable point of contention due to its inherent impossibility as per AWS official documentation.

Understanding the Limitations

AWS, a leading cloud computing provider, offers comprehensive documentation and guidelines for managing services like training jobs. According to AWS documentation, training jobs cannot be directly deleted via the CLI due to design considerations and dependencies within the service architecture.

Reflections on AI Tool Recommendations

In the context of this limitation, there tools may inadvertently provide inaccurate or impractical suggestions, highlighting the ongoing need for details understanding and context awareness in AI-driven recommendations which can then result in long and tedious sessions with trial and error on these recommendations.

One striking example, and the main point of why I am writing this blog, of their limitations is their struggle to provide accurate recommendations on deleting AWS Training Jobs via the Command Line Interface (CLI), something that feels simple and like a no brainer, something that also sounds logical. If I can create something then I can also delete it, right?

The AWS Training Jobs Dilemma

AWS Training Jobs are a crucial component of machine learning workflows, but deleting them via the CLI has been a long-standing issue. Despite official documentation stating it’s not possible, LLMs continue to suggest ways to do so. This discrepancy highlights the limitations of these models and the importance of fact-checking.

Gemini’s Recommendation

Gemini, Google’s LLM, suggests using the aws sagemaker delete-training-job command, which is actually used for deleting SageMaker training jobs, not AWS Training Jobs.

ChatGPT’s Recommendation

ChatGPT, OpenAI’s LLM, recommends using aws training delete-job, which is not a valid command. This response demonstrates the model’s ability to generate text, but not necessarily accurate information.

Meta AI’s Recommendation

Meta AI suggests using aws training-job delete, another invalid command. This response showcases the model’s understanding of the task, but its lack of knowledge on the specific AWS service.

The Bigger Picture

These examples illustrate the challenges LLMs face in providing accurate information. While they excel in generating human-like text, they often rely on outdated or incomplete training data. This emphasizes the need for continuous training, fine-tuning, and fact-checking to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their responses when trying to perform an activity that is literally impossible.

The Road Ahead for LLMs and AI Tools

As LLMs continue to evolve and improve, addressing such challenges will be crucial for enhancing the reliability and usefulness of AI tools built upon them. This requires a concerted effort to refine language understanding, improve context awareness, and prioritize accuracy in AI-generated recommendations, even more, when we are talking about these LLMs to do something that is not possible as per the vendors pages.

The evolution of Large Language Models represents an exciting frontier in AI research and development. While these tools showcase the potential of LLMs in practical applications, they also underscore the ongoing journey toward refining AI capabilities and addressing real-world challenges. By acknowledging the limitations and embracing continuous improvement, we pave the way for a future where AI tools can truly augment human capabilities effectively and responsibly.

As we move to this new evolving world of AI technologies, the collaboration between researchers, developers, and users (In this case DevOps/SRE/Cloud Engineers, etc) will be instrumental in shaping a future where AI tools like Gemini, ChatGPT, and MetaAI can fulfill their transformation potential when doing troubleshooting sessions with them.

LLMs as Gemini, ChatGPT, and Meta AI are powerful tools, but they’re still evolving. Their limitations, as seen in the AWS Training Jobs example, highlight the importance of understanding their capabilities and constraints. As the tech industry continues to push the boundaries of LLMs, it’s crucial to prioritize accuracy, transparency, and user education to maximize their potential.

What’s Next?

The future of LLMs holds much promise, with advancements in fine-tuning, multimodal interactions, and domain-specific applications on the horizon. As we continue to develop and refine these tools, it’s essential to address their limitations and ensure they provide accurate, reliable, and trustworthy responses. Only then can we unlock their full potential and revolutionize the tech landscape when using them as sidekicks in our daily jobs.

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